Registration of ACSA Cormo Sheep

  • Sheep will be eligible for registration, provided they meet other stated requirements, whose sire and dam are both registered purebred Cormos that trace back to the Downie lines.
    • Sheep presented for registration with the ACSA must meet the Downie/ACSA Breed Standards and are encouraged to follow the ACSA Guidelines.
      NO colored sheep may be registered with the ACSA.
  • Registration process
    • Applications must be presented to the Registrar on the standard form, including fees, provided by the ACSA.
    • A registration number and certificate of registration will be provided by the Registrar.
    • The dam and sire’s ACSA or CBC registration and flock numbers are required for registration of offspring
    • No restrictions on the use of artificial insemination or embryo transplant shall be imposed on sheep offered for registration provided the pedigree identity is in accordance with that required for sheep produced by natural matings. Sheep produced by either or both of these methods shall be appropriately identified in the records of the organization. Any certificates of registration issued or transfer of ownership shall also be appropriately identified.
    • All registered sheep must be positively identified at all times, the method of identification being left to the discretion of the individual breeder. The flock number rather than the registration number will identify the animal in the flock.

Registration Of Cormo Sheep From Other Cormo Registries

ACSA accepts registries from the Cormo Breeders Coalition, Ortmann Ranch and Downey Ranch

To Register a non-ACSA cormo with the American Cormo Sheep Association

  • Fill out an American Cormo Sheep Association registration request form. The form can be found on the ACSA webpage
  • Provide the SIRE and DAM pedigrees from submitting registry or registries to include the registry number, owner, breeder, sex and flock number
  • If the DAM has been Artificially Inseminated, then provide the registry A.I. Number.
  • Include the ACSA number for any animal registered with ACSA that may appear in the submitting pedigree. Additional information may be required if no Downey or ACSA reference is listed in the submitting SIRE and DAM pedigrees.
  • Include the current registration fee (as listed on the website, late fee waived) for each animal, including SIRE and DAM, which do not have an ACSA number.
  • Submit the registration form, generational animal information and fees to the ACSA registrar.
  • A registration request will be denied if the animal cannot be traced to original Downey Cormo Sheep (per Association By-Laws) and if the animal does not meet the published Downey (ACSA) Cormo Sheep Standards.
  • Pedigree must be documented for five generations. If this is not possible, a review of the registration request will be done by the Board of Directors. Full body photos of the sheep are requested for conformation, a photo of the wool is needed and a micron count report should be submitted.